As I stated in an earlier post, the normal procedure in replacing multiple broken ribs in a row would be to screw some bracing battens to the outside of the hull and replace every other rib then go back a few days later and do the ones you left to help define the shape. In this boat’s case the shape was already lost and I had to shed far more than I liked to get down to usable ribs and planking. I installed some new planking and braced the bottom but there still wasn’t enough boat to bend new ribs around so after a quick prebend on my Cheemaun form, they got bent into the old Otca. The results along the curve of the sides was predictably not so good with things not lining up. My goal for this boat is to produce a fair hull that’s as close to the original shape as possible. It probably won’t have as much tumblehome as it once did but I’ll trade that for fairing out the lumps and bumps that she had due to the old repairs. But how to accomplish this?
Double battens (with radiused edges to keep from digging into the soft cedar). Two pairs on each side, inner and outer clamped and zip-tied, where the curve of the hull is greatest and in need of the most help. Spanning from good to good with a few original ribs in the run to help define the curve. Once everything was clamped I covered the critical areas with towels and periodically poured boiling water over the towels and then left the towels in place overnight. I pulled the towels off this morning but will leave the hull in its cast for a few days in hopes that it will set in this shape as it dries out.